couple weeks ago we got the call that Gunnar's name had been drawn to be the Husky Hot Shot Manager of the game when the men's team faced off against Winona State. Gunnar was VERY excited! The job involved handing out the game ball to the Ref at the start of the game (Gunnar's name was announced over the loudspeaker even!) and then sitting with the team on the end of the bench. While there wasn't much for Gunnar to do during the game, he very much enjoyed the attention he got from the players. Hans, Orn, and I sat on the seats right behind the team bench and at one point (as seen in the pictures), Hans joined Gunnar up on the bench. SCSU played great and won the game! A great night!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Gunnar is Husky Hot Shot Manager of the Game!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Mudroom gets finished...just in time!!
This project of mine definitely came down to the wire! Both Pete and I put in long hours over the course of the past couple weeks to see this room get finished in time for tomorrow's reception here at the house. As you can see from the pictures though...it did get done! Yahoo! While the steps to the back yard still need to be built and the interior of the closet is currently empty, the room itself has a finished look to it. Over time I plan on getting shelves and cupboards in place so that the room can double as both storage of kitchen stuff and a huge closet for all our gear!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Painting and Flooring!
On Tuesday of this week the walls were ready for me to begin painting. Thankfully, my neighbor Noel came over Tuesday afternoon and helped me prime the walls. She also lugged over a 5 gallon container of primer when my measley one gallon was gone in about half a wall! If she hadn't helped there is no way I would have gotten the walls done as it took a priming coat and two coats of paint to get the job done. The number of times that I ended up going back to Hirshfields for more paint is CRAZY!!
Today, Jim and Kathleen came to town to put the floor in. Everyone I had asked had suggested that I go with linoleum rather than tile, so linoleum it is. It's a type of linoleum that is not glued down, so the job was a quick one for Jim. Seeing as he was going to be here anyway and seeing as the linoleum was on clearance, I bought extra and had him put the same flooring in the laundry room. And seeing that I had been back to Hirshfields about a thousand times to buy more paint, I decided to paint the laundry room the same color! So, while Jim worked on the floor in the new mudroom, I painted behind the washer and dryer in the laundry room. As you can see from the pictures, he had NO respect for my paint job. :)
Mom and Dad came up to visit while Jim and Kathleen were here. Mom helped straighten up while we were all working and since Dad was just itching for something to do too, I put him to work on building our 'window seat' for the mudroom. He and Gunnar got to task and got the job done. They needed a little assistance from Kathleen to determine which end was up, but once they got that sorted out, they finished the bench. It looks fabulous!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Mudroom gets started...
Ever since we moved into this house 3 and 1/2 years ago I have been planning (and we have been saving) for a mudroom to get built in the back of our garage. It always seemed to be a huge waste of space for us, AND the entrance from the garage into the house did not make sense where it was. Last summer I spoke with the husband of one of my students who happens to own his own construction business. We agreed that when the time was right for both his crew and us, he would go about building our mudroom. Well, that time was now. The work officially started on the mudroom in late January, and now in mid-February it is well underway. We have a bit of a deadline 'imposed' on us in that we are going to have a Cocktail Reception as part of this years Winter Institute here at our house on Friday, February 27th. Nothing like having 50-75 people over (including the President of the University and some dignitaries from China) to put one into high gear. Pete and his crew have been working hard when they have been able and as soon as the walls are ready, I'll begin the paint job! Check out the pictures for the initial work that has been done...
Monday, February 2, 2009
Poopschkin turns 87!!
My dad, Grandpa John to the boys, turned 87 today! In honor of his birthday we had everyone who was able to come, up for a birthday party yesterday afternoon. What fun it was! It was also Super Bowl Sunday, so in addition to celebrating Dad's birthday, some were able to watch part of the game. I snagged Caroline to grill her with questions for how I should design our new mudroom, which is being constructed in the back half of a portion of our garage. Kathleen also gave me flooring suggestions which were very helpful. A great day had by all...especially the birthday boy!! :)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Skiing with Uncle Jim and Aunt Kathleen
Today we were able to get in some skiing at Quarry Park with Jim and Kathleen. What fun it was. The weather was absolutely perfect, and while Hans wasn't completely thrilled that we did the big loop, he did make it all the way around without complaining too much. A couple times I was reminded of my first time cross country skiing with my cousin Harald and his family. Thomas, Harald's son was probably 4 at the time. When he would get tired he would simply sink to his knees on his skis, all the while saying, "Jeg kan ikke Papa, jeg kan ikke." (I can't Daddy, I can't.) Harald would simply reply, "Thomas, du ma." (Thomas, you must). I think the same sort of conversation was heard between Hans and me from time to time! :)
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