What a glorious weekend for Halloween here in Minnesota! We've had unseasonably warm weather of late. It allowed for the boys and I to carve our pumpkins outside on the back patio yesterday. That was a lot of fun as the boys designed their pumpkins, got all the goop out, and then had me carve out the faces. They were both very proud of their end products!
Halloween has been a FABULOUS day and evening weather-wise! Both boys came home from school very ready to trick or treat. Unfortunately, Hans had woken up this morning with a bit of an issue...he couldn't walk! His left leg was really hurting him to the point that he couldn't even move to roll out of bed. It was a bit disconcerting for Orn and myself as we attempted to determine what was wrong with the poor little guy. Eventually I got him down to the living room where he rested on the couch and took in some Motrin. Orn stayed home with him in the morning and then once the Motrin kicked in Hans announced that he was ready to go to school. He managed at school just fine, but was still limping quite a bit when he came home. I loaded him up with more Motrin so that he could manage trick or treating.
To a six-year-old, NOT trick or treating on Halloween is NOT an option, so as soon as we were done with our pumpkin shaped pizza for dinner, Gunnar and Hans and I took off to canvase the neighborhood. What fun! I must admit, since I had not finished my T&T with my dinner I brought it along in a water bottle. That certainly upped the enjoyment of trick or treating for me! :) We did all of our immediate neighborhood in about an hour and a half. Hans was quite the trooper limping most of the way, but refusing to stop. Stick-to-it-all-the-way should be his middle name. We got home about 8pm in time to help hand out candy to the last round of trick or treaters. Gunnar went next door and helped with the neighbor's Haunted House while Hans relaxed upstairs in our room. A great Halloween had by all!
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