Today Orn and I received the best Christmas present ever. Some of you have been aware that for the past 6 months we have been monitoring Hans's blood platelet level. Well, I'm happy to report that today when we met with a Pediatric Oncologist/Hematologist from Children's Hospital, Hans's blood work came back with extremely good results. For the first time in over 6 months his platelet level is within the normal range and it appears that the platelets themselves are more robust looking. All signs point to what Hans's pediatrician has suspected all along - Hans was suffering from a case of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). Essentially, it is a blood disorder of unknown origin that typically self resolves. Finally, his case appears to be resolved. There are more tests being run down at the Mayo clinic on his blood, but we are extremely confident that it will all come back and confirm what we believed in our hearts all along - Hans is an extremely healthy, happy 6 year old (if he were here he would ask that I say that he's 7...it's only 4 months away!). Merry Christmas to us!! :)
1 comment:
Hey Mary
Just got your Christmas letter (on the 30th Dec!) and logged on to your blog - really enjoyed reading it and seeing so many familiar faces on the photos. Great news about Hans - he looks just as I remember him but Gunnar on the other hand has really shot up! Loved reading your news - how do you have time to do this - do professors have loads of free time?
Anyway Happy New Year to you all - we won't be doing much as Marcus working as normal but had a great Christmas.
Lots of love
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