Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Orn and Hans hit St. John's Arboretum

Today Orn took some time off to go on a field trip with Hans's 1st grade class. He was to meet them out at the arboretum at St. John's University in Collegeville. Unfortunately, the directions that were sent home from the school were not quite accurate, so he ended up driving around a bit before getting there. Kids manage to make things all okay because as soon as Hans saw Orn come walking up, he bounded out from his class and came over to greet his dad with a, "Dad, I'm so glad you're here!" As Orn told me later, it just made him melt. They had a wonderful time exploring the arboretum together...maybe I can get Orn to add to this with some commentary to go with the pictures he took!

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