Sunday, February 1, 2009

Skiing with Uncle Jim and Aunt Kathleen

Today we were able to get in some skiing at Quarry Park with Jim and Kathleen. What fun it was. The weather was absolutely perfect, and while Hans wasn't completely thrilled that we did the big loop, he did make it all the way around without complaining too much. A couple times I was reminded of my first time cross country skiing with my cousin Harald and his family. Thomas, Harald's son was probably 4 at the time. When he would get tired he would simply sink to his knees on his skis, all the while saying, "Jeg kan ikke Papa, jeg kan ikke." (I can't Daddy, I can't.) Harald would simply reply, "Thomas, du ma." (Thomas, you must). I think the same sort of conversation was heard between Hans and me from time to time! :)

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