Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Concert of Chinese Musicians at our HOUSE!

Well, the Winter Institute that Orn organized has finally concluded. We had a wonderful impromptu celebration of sorts here at our house tonight. We invited the ensemble of 8 Chinese Musicians, (who had traveled here from Nankai University, Benhai College as part of the Winter Institute), to come over to our house for dinner. We had PLENTY of leftover Chinese food from the reception we hosted on Friday, so this was a fabulous opportunity to open our home to this group of students and to eat up leftover food! :)

They brought their instruments, so after putting a slight dent in all the food we had, we sat back and listened to some amazing music. Orn was smart and pulled out our video camera, so we have a wonderful video recording of the women playing. It truly was mesmerizing music - Gunnar was enthralled. Hans didn't appear to be as taken with it, but I guess you can only expect so much from a 6 year old! After they finished playing and the boys were going to head up to bed they asked if Gunnar would play the piano for them. He did. A fitting end to a wonderful evening!

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