Friday, April 10, 2009

Hans turns 7 - Time to CELEBRATE with Friends!

Hans's actual birthday is April 14th, but seeing as the boys didn't have school today, we celebrated his birthday today over at the Skatin Place with some of his friends. What a great party it was (totally sold me on the idea that paying someone else to do everything is worth it's weight in gold!). There were 7 boys in total - they had a blast roller blading, playing in the game room, playing a round of laser tag, and eating, eating, and more eating. It was very cute as one of Hans's closest friends (Richard) came up to me at one point as he skated around the rink and announced in a very sweet voice, "this is the BEST birthday party ever!" Of course, I had to whole-heartedly agree with him as I sat stretched out on a bench and noshed on popcorn during the entire party. It was a blast...and most importantly, Hans had a fantastic time!!

Andrew, Matthew, and Kyle all ended up back at our house after the party, so it continued here until well in the evening. Tons of fun to celebrate a very special young man!!

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